Help System for Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US)

PAD-US Help System Home Page
Client:   USGS Gap Analysis Project (GAP)

GIS data can be complex - users constantly wrestle with understanding how data works, how it has been developed, and what they can do with it. The USGS Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US), is a huge and highly detailed database of all parks and other protected areas in America. To coincide with the release of the newest PAD-US version, GreenInfo Network developed an online help system for the data set that can be easily accessed by anyone and updated in real time as needed. 

Few other data sets in America have as robust a help system as PAD-US now has.  Developed by integrating, systematizing, and extending many individual memos, websites, reports, and other information, the PAD-US Help system gives any user of PAD-US all they need to make the best use of this very large data set. 

GreenInfo developed the help system in close collaboration with USGS PAD-US staff.  Initial work was done to define the major sections of the help system, then to begin outlining content needed in an online document shared by all people in the team.  Once this framework was refined, GreenInfo staff prepared actual text for each of the many sections - after which USGS staff fine tuned the content, added sections, and provided links to relevant resources connected to the Help system. GreenInfo also prepared graphics that illustrate many features of PAD-US, adapting existing illustrations and creating some new ones. 

The help system sits inside of the Wordpress-based web site, the companion site for the USGS PAD-US site.  Programmed by GreenInfo and its associates, the system is based on an accordion-like navigation placed on the left side of the help page. Users can move quickly from major section to major section, and, using anchor links, to subsections within each major section. The Wordpress back end allows for easy editing of the Help system content. 

Focus:   Environment, Government Agencies  

Services:  Interactive Solutions, Applications Development, Website Design 

Tags:   PAD-US, Wordpress  

Project Years: 2019-2019

GreenInfo Network creates, analyzes, visualizes and communicates information in the public interest. We specialize in mapping and related technology for nonprofits and public agencies, focusing on using it for conservation, social equity, public health, environment and foundation grant making.
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United States of America