Stormwater Treatment Needs and Potential in Urban Landscapes

Impaired Waters of Los Angeles County
Green solutions strategy focuses on improving the water quality in polluted streams.
Client:   Community Conservation Solutions

Led by a local nonprofit organization and supported by a consortium of local and statewide agencies, the "Green Solutions" project integrates GIS analysis and hydrologic engineering with conservation and community needs to provide a roadmap to designing "smart" green spaces that naturally treat polluted runoff in urban Los Angeles County.

Community Conservation Solutions partnered with GreenInfo Network and a local engineering firm to conduct a broad assessment of water quality needs across diverse urban watersheds in Southern California and the Bay Area - including the highly urbanized LA Basin and mixed urban and rural watersheds in Alameda County. The team looked at public properties within these regions to determine potential for implementing multi-benefit stormwater treatment projects - projects that would, in addition to improving water quality, also provide needed open space, habitat, and recreation areas. We then assessed the feasibility of stormwater capture and treatment on these public properties and the potential impacts implementation would have on the region's water quality.

Results: This initial work sparked the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy to fund more detailed analysis of potential project locations in two focus watersheds in Los Angeles County.

Focus:   Conservation, Environment  

Services:  GIS Services, Analysis, Data, Maps 

Tags:   California, environment, Esri ArcGIS, green solutions, stormwater , watershed  

Project Years: 2007-2008

GreenInfo Network creates, analyzes, visualizes and communicates information in the public interest. We specialize in mapping and related technology for nonprofits and public agencies, focusing on using it for conservation, social equity, public health, environment and foundation grant making.
2201 Broadway, Suite M5
United States of America