Interactive Solutions : Design Research
At GreenInfo Network we believe design research, or research specifically done to support the strategic design and development of our digital experiences, is a critical step in our process.
We use mixed-research methods and invest time in talking with people about their day-to-day lives, challenges and aspirations to build interactive experiences and public data platforms rooted in people’s needs.
We design listening sessions, one-on-one interviews, surveys and visual prototypes, and ask participants to share with us about aspects of their lives and ideas at multiple points in a project: before we compile design requirements, during development, and after the tool is released.
Rigorous desk research in the form of comparative analysis of other existing platforms and expert consultation support the work.
Our goal is to build our tools right by putting people first: understand the context in which the tool will be used, and uncover the features that support better use and understanding of the data.